ADMO meets Pope Francis

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On Wednesday, September 21, on the occasion of the ADMO -Match It Now- Campaign to bring young people closer to donation, the association was granted an audience with Pope Francis.

ADMO launched the MATCH IT NOW Campaign on Sept. 17, which will end on Oct. 10, to recruit new donors between the ages of 18 and 35 who voluntarily undergo a blood or saliva draw to be typed and thus entered into the donor registry to assess possible genetic compatibility with those who need a marrow transplant.

“Donating marrow is a life-saving therapy, in the face of which one cannot hesitate. Kids more than anyone understand the magnitude of this gesture.” Comments Rita Malavolta, who precisely during this awareness period, as ADMO president, attended on September 21 in before the Pope together with the family of a boy who did not make it, demonstrating how important donation is to increase the hope of being able to save the life of a sick person. Leukemias, lymphomas, myelomas, and blood neoplasms are some of the diseases that bone marrow donation and transplantation can fight and defeat.

The Pope was immensely close to the families, welcoming everyone with the warmth and love that only a long-lost friend can show. Francis invited the association to go forward in its mission, even in dark and difficult times, giving them the strength to face the future. He did not miss a promise of prayer for all those who are waiting for transplants, so that they may find a genetic brother, and for all the donors who with great hearts have lent themselves to give new life to those in need.

The Pope’s message was a rebirth for Admo, conjuring up the beauty of giving.


ADMO, a bone marrow donor association, which fights against leukemia and blood diseases. The main purpose of the association is to try to “type” through a simple blood test or saliva sample possible donors, who will then be entered into a database and if compatible, called back to join the donation.