KIABI, a French leader in fast fashion, revolutionizes the market through the idea of fashion with little prices for the whole family, producing a wide and versatile offer studied for all budgets, styles and shapes, with a particolar thought towards mom’s universe, in the italian scenario.
KIABI Italy wants to be a traveling companion for mothers, suppporting them in their most intense life path, through dedicated services and offers. the same attention that is adressed to customers, is reserved to employees as well. The travel of this double track is the result of simmetry of attention, one of KIABI’s main axes for what concerns quality relations.
MAAM PROJECT: goals and content
The project studied and implemented by KIABI’s human resources department in Italy, aims on making KIABER’S motherhood path as fluid as possible. The goal is to make them feel supported by the company and by their store manager.
To future moms is delivered a guide which collects all the administrative and bureaucratic aspects to be followed: a detailed vision on documents to be delivered, the timing for the requests on INPS site, ecc…
The moment of the annuciation of the pregnancy to the store manager is fundamental because in KIABI stores the pregnant employee cannot work, as sitting and standing for a long time is not expected, and this is considered injurious and incompatible with the pregnancy state. An advance work ban request is then made (with 100% salary received) which lasts up to the seventh month, compatible with the start of compulsery maternity leave. During the period of compulsery maternity the employee will recieve 100% of her salary. A further advantage for KIABERS is rapresented by the integration of 30% of the salary in the period of 6 months of optional maternity, if taken without splitting, added to another 30% provided by INPS. It is one of the main axes of this accompaniment in a broad sense.
Another help offered by the company is the support in requesting the East Fund maternity package in reimbursment form. The following activities are included in the guarantee: Obstetric and gynecological check-ups, Anesthetic check-up in case of caesarean and painless birth planning, Ultrasounds, Clinical laboratory analyzes, Diagnostic and Genetic investigations, childbirth allowance.
Once returned from maternity leave the KIABER has the chance to join Codev: a personal development path based on collective intelligence, organized specifically for mothers, so that there is a common denominator for issues in the teaches for re-integration into the professional contexts after months of absence.
Moreover the employees’ store manager decides with her in the first month of coming from maternity leave, a facilited shift planning according to the emerged needs,(compatibly with the store’s organization).
Always with a view to the simmetry of attention, starting frpm the second half of 2021, it will be possible for KIABERS to enjoy the baby voucher.
The baby voucher has been present for years in the service portfolio available to customers, and thanks to the service, 10% of the amount of the purchases made in the store or on kiabi.com, in the maternity and baby departments is accumulated in one year. Once its is closed, you have sinx months to use the Voucher in all KIABI departments. The baby voucher works as a“virtual piggybank” and helps you save while shopping.
KIABI wants to guarantee the simmetry of attentions to customers and employees. Everyone is part of the same circle, of the big Family.