Asmana Wellness World, the largest day SPA in Italy, includes a new environment in its wide range of experiences: the Salinarium. Among mosaics of coloured tiles, a thick fog envelops the guests. It is a vaporization of salt water perfumed with citrus fruits. With a full immersion of 15-20 minutes you get the same benefits of a walk by the sea! Your stay is pleasant given the temperature of 32°C and the high humidity (80%) which makes it suitable for everyone. In the Salinarium you can benefit from “halotherapy” (or salt therapy) which consists of the absorption of salt particles.
Salt represents an important element in Asmana as it is healthy for the respiratory tract thanks to its antiseptic and antibacterial action. It is therefore ideal to give relief from seasonal illnesses and purify the respiratory tract from impurities deriving from pollution and smoke. Halotherapy also has beneficial effects on blood circulation, facilitating proper blood flow in the body and preventing premature ageing thanks to its antioxidant and alkaline effect.
Inside Asmana it is possible to make a real path in the center of which we find salt.
A few steps from the Salinarium, staying inside the Hammam we find the Purifying Bath. Here the Scrub Ceremony takes place. The steam envelops the guests while the scrub with Mediterranean salt and natural essences purifies the skin, eliminates dead cells and restores elasticity and tone. The scrubs are elaborated exclusively for Asmana by its Masters of Ceremony and are prepared fresh every day exclusively with natural elements.
Once the skin and body have been purified of toxins, it is recommended to take a moment of rest. The customer can then continue the journey in the Salt Room which, thanks to its walls covered with Himalayan pink salt, is the ideal place to treat yourself to a moment of magical relaxation! The route ends with the Salt Tub, where the salt water purifies the skin while the customer relaxes in a warm whirlpool. The tub is open all year round even at night thanks to its salt water heated to the temperature of the sea in the tropics.