This year, unfortunately, ADMO colombe will not be on sale in Italian squares.
But while #iorestoacasa #lecolombevolano; at home or in the haematology wards of Italian hospitals, to thank all the doctors and healthcare staff who work tirelessly and give a moment of happiness to all the hospitalized people who are fighting for life.
To deal with this serious national emergency, Admo has created an e-commerce on their website, https://admo.it/pasqua/ .
On the e-commerce there will be two possibilities:
– buy a colomba and receive it directly at your home
– or donate it!
For each donation, in fact, Admo will give to hospitals, hematologists, nurses and all health personnel a colomba, as a symbolic thank you to all those who are working for our well-being.
With a minimum donation of 10 euros you can help the association that needs us even more at this difficult time!
It is necessary to carry out awareness-raising activities about bone marrow donation and at this time more than ever because those who are waiting for a transplant see their chances of finding a compatible donor reduced.
Admo’s work becomes fundamental to give them new life expectancy.
The typing will take place in the hospital: after leaving his personal data in the appropriate format on the Admo website, the potential donor will be contacted by the Admo manager of his area and the typing will take place through blood sampling. The typing by saliva swab is interrupted to leave each swab to the COVID-19 emergency.
Do not wait, choose the taste you prefer and help ADMO and all the patients waiting for transplant, we do not stop!
ADMO, Associazione Donatori Midollo Osseo, was born with the aim to fight, through donation, leukemia and other blood diseases.
Every year 1 800 people are looking for a compatible bone marrow donor, a special type like you, your grandson or your son!
The perfect donor is between 18 and 35 years old, weighs at least 50 kilos and is in good health.
Registering with the IBMDR Donor Registry is easy: all you need is a blood or saliva sample, you can do it even if you are tattooed, and if a match is found you will be contacted!
The bone marrow has nothing to do with the spinal cord: the donation is made by taking blood from the peripheral blood, or from the iliac crests (pelvic bones)!
We are counting on you, let’s increase the number of IBMDR members, remember that only 1 person out of 100 000 is compatible!